AGA posts US Q2 2023, reporting $16.07bn in total revenue
iGaming rose 57% year-on-year.
By Lucy Wynne
The American Gaming Association (AGA) has released its figures for Q2 2023, reporting commercial revenue of $16.07bn. This revenue is 8% up from Q2 2022 and marks the 10th consecutive quarter of annual growth for the US commercial gaming industry.
34 states in the US and the District of Columbia feature legal gaming markets in Q2 2023, including casino gaming, sports betting and iGaming.
Q2 2023 is the second-highest grossing quarter in US gaming history, topped only by Q1 2023; subsequently making H1 2023 the US gaming industry’s strongest half-year ever. H1 generated a total of $32.71bn in revenue, up 12% from the same period last year.
Breaking down the revenue year-on-year: slots GGR was up 2% to $8.89bn, table games GGR decreased 2% to $2.46bn, sports betting GGR increased 57% to $2.3bn and iGaming GGR went up 23% to $1.4bn.
Meanwhile when dissecting the revenue for the half year-on-year: H1 made a total GGR of $32.71bn, up 12% of which, slots GGR was up 5% to $17.72bn, table games increased 2% to $4.96bn, sports betting rose 66% to $5.15bn and iGaming went up by 23% to $2.97bn.
Even though land-based gaming continues to account for more than three-quarters of total revenue, the industry’s year-over-year growth is being driven by the online sports betting and iGaming sectors.
The highest grossing state was Nevada that generated $3.69bn in revenue, followed by Pennsylvania’s $1.42bn and New Jersey’s $1.39bn. Nevada revenue stayed pretty much the same year-on-year meanwhile Pennsylvania saw a 8% increase and New Jersey had a 11% rise when compared to Q2 2022.
AGA President and CEO Bill Miller commented: “While commercial gaming is on track for an unprecedented third consecutive year of record revenue, the lasting impact we’re making on our communities through this record growth is even more impressive.”
Podle nových statistik Americké společnosti pro hazardní hry (AGA) se výnosy od hazardu v USA ve druhém čtvrtletí roku 2023 zvýšily o 8 % na 16,07 miliardy dolarů, což znamená 10. po sobě jdoucí čtvrtletí s ročním růstem. V USA má hazardní průmysl povolen 34 států a hlavní město Washington včetně kasin, sázkových her a online hazardu. Ve druhém čtvrtletí byla zaznamenána druhá nejvyšší částka za celou historii hazardu v USA. Zatímco tradiční kasina tvoří nadále tři čtvrtiny výnosu, online sázkové hry a online hazard jsou hlavními tahouny růstu.