Australia to launch self-exclusion register BetStop in August
The service will be available from 21 August 2023.
By Lucy Wynne
The Australian Government has announced the release of its self-exclusion register, BetStop, which is set to launch on 21 August 2023.
From this date, bettors will be able to self-exclude from all licensed interactive betting services for anywhere between a minimum of three months, up to a lifetime.
Legislation to create a national register was introduced by the then Communications Minister, Paul Fletcher, in 2018 but was never created. Now, Australians will soon be able to ban themselves from all online gambling companies in every state and territory using just one app; almost five years after the legislation was introduced to Parliament.
The Australian Communications and Media Authority will be responsible for regulating BetStop. The service will be free and personal details will be protected.
If an individual decides to self-exclude, wagering providers will be required to close all of their betting accounts and must not let them: open a new account, place a bet or send them marketing messages.
To complement the launch of the register, the Government will also introduce mandatory customer pre-verification, requiring online gambling providers to verify a customer’s identity before they place their first bet.
Online gambling providers must also promote BetStop including on their websites and apps and through marketing material.
Australians who want to revoke their self-exclusion period can’t do so within three months of signing up and will need to sign a statutory declaration confirming they’ve obtained counselling or advice on their decision from a qualified professional.
This announcement comes just a few months after Australia announced a ban on using credit cards for online betting.
Australská vláda oznámila spuštění svého samovyloučení z registrace BetStop, která se spustí 21. srpna 2023. Od tohoto data se sázkaři budou moci sami vyloučit ze všech licencovaných interaktivních sázkových služeb na dobu minimálně tří měsíců až do konce života. Registrační zákon byl předložen v roce 2018 a nyní bude možné se zakázat online sázení ve všech státech pomocí jedné aplikace. Australská komunikační a mediální autorita bude regulovat BetStop, která bude zdarma a osobní údaje budou chráněny. Kromě toho budou online sázkové poskytovatele povinni propagovat BetStop na svých webových stránkách a aplikacích a prostřednictvím marketingových materiálů.