The Hippodrome Casino announces partnership with EPIC Risk Management
The training programme delivered by EPIC Risk Management to The Hippodrome Casino staff will aim to reduce the risk of gambling harm at the venue.
By Gambling Insider
The Hippodrome Casino has signed a two-year partnership with EPIC Risk Management as part of its plans to launch a pilot staff training programme.
The two companies will collaborate on a programme to be delivered to both licenced and unlicensed staff, which will include 20 workshops and four group evaluation sessions.
Joanna Whitehall, EPIC’s Sustainability Manager, said: “We’re very pleased to have further strengthened a very close working relationship with The Hippodrome Casino.
“We hear examples of the gambling-harm journey experienced by a number of our facilitators throughout the company.
“Training of this nature hasn’t been standard practice previously in casinos, so it stands to reason that customer-facing staff who may have felt an urge to intervene in cases of harm may not have had the knowledge on how to deal with such clients.“
As part of the programme, staff will focus on identifying risk and harm in player activity, vulnerability, stigma, meaningful interactions and increasing confidence when it comes to discussing these topics with customers.
Whitehall continued: “Now we can provide specific examples of markers of harm and how to bring up the conversation with confidence and empathy with the intention of identifying risk and preventing gambling-related harm before it happens.“
The workshops will aim to give Hippodrome staff an insight into how to apply the knowledge from the training programme to real-world scenarios while they work.
Sam Douglas, The Hippodrome Casino Director of Business Services, said: „We are thrilled to partner with EPIC Risk Management to help our employees build empathy and understanding through lived experience.
“The training they provide is invaluable, and we have already seen a positive impact on our team. We are happy that this partnership will assist us in creating a safe environment for our players in the years to come.“
The Hippodrome Casino isn’t the only place partnering with EPIC Risk Management for its gambling harm reduction programmes, as it was announced the company would continue working with the University of Michigan to hold talks with student-athletes there.
The Hippodrome Casino has partnered with EPIC Risk Management to launch a two-year staff training programme aimed at reducing gambling harm. The programme will include workshops and evaluation sessions to provide staff with the knowledge and skills to identify and prevent harm in player activity. EPIC’s Sustainability Manager, Joanna Whitehall, highlighted the importance of training in casinos where customer-facing staff may not have known how to intervene in cases of harm. The partnership aims to create a safe environment for players, and EPIC Risk Management is also working with the University of Michigan to hold talks with student-athletes.